Friday, September 12, 2008


I'm back. My apologies to those who like to check in. I've been working. Yea!! Take a look. Isn't he a handsome Sr. I remember when he was in the 5th grade. Wow, do they grow up fast.  Mary S, this is for you. Take it all in because you know it will all be  over in a flash. 

Sometimes it's hard to get the guys to smile. So when I get them to laugh, 
I love to capture them being natural. 

The Big Red Truck! What did you drive when you were a Sr?
I drove a moss green Chevy shortbed with curtains in the back window. 
It had Mag wheels and wide tires.Woo Hoo! Didn't run all that great.:(
OK, so I'm aging myself. It was the in thing to do.

What do you suppose is on his mind?
This shot was toward the end of the session. I can probably guess.
Thanks Mary and Jeff! It was great fun!


Beverly said...

What great pictures of such a great kid! This makes me remember him in Kid's Church - he CAN'T be old enough to graduate this soon, can he???

About that question about what we drove in highschool.............I drove a Chevy Chevette. Two tone. Black on the top. Silver on the bottom. Un-coolest car at Guthrie High. blech.

Mary Morrow said...

these are sooooo good marla! he's a handsome kid!

and i'm so proud of you for figuring out how to make the pictures bigger on here :).

i drove a blue ford taurus - it was my mom's :).

SoonerAggieMom said...

I'm wondering if I know this guy??

I drove a lovely brown 1973 marquis mercury...I graduated in 1982.